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Parrots Magazine

Whether you’re curious about parrot breeding, behaviour, conservation, or healthcare, we've got you covered. It’s like having a chat with a wise old parrot minus the squawking. We have lots of fascinating articles from leading aviculturalists and behaviour experts.

We produce a colourful, engaging and informative eMagazine delivered straight to your desktop every month.

Latest Edition


Rafael Zamora Padrón, Scientific Director at Loro Parque Fundación says that as the breeding season is beginning, it is time to sharpen the instincts of the keepers to do much better than in the previous season. 

Following the unexpected death of a budgie, a question has been raised about the possible effect of microplastcs on birds. With microplastics existing just about everywhere in our lives, do they present a threat? 

Why do some parrots chew some of their nutmeat and discard the rest. Is it because they find the softer nutmeat more palatable. There are some keepers that shell the parrots’ nuts to boil and soften.

We all love to get away for a holiday or just a break, but why not swap the white sandy beaches for an enjoyable parrot time instead. There are many parrot bird gardens to enjoy around the world, so why not choose parrots instead?

and much more in this issue …



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