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Parrots magazine, Issue 14


White-eared Conures, Colour-breeding Cockatiels Part II, The Dusky Pionus

Issue 14 - March 1997

Two’s Company Three’s a Riot by Tracy Gwillim – living with teenage parrots. Do Parrots have a Sixth Sense by Rupert Sheldrake. The Dusky Parrot (Pionus Fuscus) by John Stoodley. The Lilacine by Mark Pilgrim of Chester Zoo. Still Watching the Box by Val Stephenson.The White-Eared Conure by Steve Beaver who has been breeding birds for 22 years, Conures being a more recent addition to his collection. He is single mindedly dedicated to the preservation of the pure species. A Grey Called George by Ann Mclean – the Vet didn’t hold out much hope either. The advantages of Homeopathy in parrots by Marion Wagner and Rosina Sonnenschmidt. Colour-Breeding Cockatiels part 2 by Jim Hayward.

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