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Parrots magazine, Issue 103

Issue 103 4a1cfd00d962c

Living With A Bronze-winged Pionus Parrot, An Appeal For Help From Project Bird Watch

Issue 103 - August 2006

The Complete Psittacine – No Look, Don’t Touch – Without a doubt, the most widespread mistake made by hobbyists, novices or experts who are hoping for Psittacine breeding success from their pairs, is the incessant and invasive “monitoring” of the nestbox chamber, says EB Cravens. Living with a Bronze-winged Pionus Parrot – Elaine Froggatt, a keen bird keeper from Blackpool, has kept Bronze-winged Pionus Parrots for the last 20 years, writes Pauline James. She chose to specialise in this very attractive species right from the beginning and, over the years she has gathered a wealth of information on them and, of course, derived much pleasure from what she calls the perfect parrot. Where Parrots rule the roost – maybe? The first of two articles by Dorothy Schwarz on the importance of enriching the lives of captive birds in the home and the aviary. Summer holidays..and the parrots go too! David Vickery tells us why a family holiday just wouldn’t be the same without Kenny and Coco. The Yellow-naped Amazon – The Yellow-naped Amazon (Ochrocephala auropalliata) is undoubtedly one of the most popular and highly-esteemed psittacids in aviculture – yet its enormous appeal as a pet is gloomily overshadowed by its precarious status in the wild, writes Bob Alison. Here he reports on the current situation and measures being taken to protect those that remain. Hysterectomy in Parrots – The surgery involved in performing a hysterectomy on a parrot is major, time consuming, potentially risky for the patient and certainly stressful for the surgeon, writes avian vet Chris Hall. Despite this, it is sometimes necessary. Parrots for children – Parrots can make wonderful and rewarding companions for children says Jane Grimshaw, but there are a number of points to consider before buying a parrot for your child.

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