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Parrots magazine, Issue 108

Issue 108 4a1cfd962e3c1

The Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Special News Feature: Importing Birds Into The EU

Issue 108 - January 2007

The ban on importing parrots into the EU – As we await a decision on whether the importation of wild-caught birds into the EU will be lifted, we feature the views of two of the most respected writers on the subject of parrots. From their respective viewpoints in the United Kingdom and the United States, Rosemary Low and EB Cravens comment on a topic of vital importance to everyone who cares about parrots – what happens next? Living with a Cockatiel called Roger – Rebecca Seymour’s story of how a childhood fascination with a cockatiel developed into a long term passion. Parrot people who make a difference – in the first of two articles on inspiring people who are working to improve the lot of parrots in captivity and in the wild, Dot Schwarz meets Mark and Marie Stafford. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – In the April issue of Parrots, EB Cravens listed some of the faulty or old-fashioned beliefs prevalent in aviculture these days. As the captive bird world evolves, he says, so do many of its procedures, while other things seem to never change! Here EB deals with another ten misconceptions that seem to linger with some bird keepers. Heartbreakers- Unni Schau tells how she came to accept Titch’s decision about her new lifestyle - and how Topsy helped Unni to cope. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher – The Ubiquitous Ring-necked Parakeet. Allergies in Psittacine birds – There is no question that allergies occur in our pet parrots says Chris Hall – the problem is knowing their frequency, how to diagnose them and what to treat them with. Blue-rumped Parrots – in a new series of articles, Rosemary Low will describe some of the parrot species that are in danger of disappearing from aviculture unless breeders make a concerted effort to maintain them. The Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo (Cacatua Leadbeateri) – John Cooper photographs a particularly beautiful species of cockatoo. Red-lored Parrots – The Red-lored Parrot (Amazona autumnalis) is one of the most compelling psittacids in aviculture, says Bob Alison.

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