Vivian Miller explains how we should be aware of potential health problems
Sadly, our parrots can become sick or injured, and observing them will help you know what is normal. Once you establish this, you can train yourself to notice possible symptoms of health problems. This will make it possible to get your sick bird to an avian vet in time to be diagnosed and treated. I recommend taking the time to do a mental checklist daily. Noticing certain aspects of your parrot’s behaviour and physical attributes will help it have a long, healthy life.
The first thing to be aware of is your parrot’s normal personality and behaviour, as parrots that don’t feel well usually show changes in their behaviour. If the problem is acute, the change will be sudden. If the problem is chronic, the behaviour may change gradually. Changes could include an abrupt personality change, sudden hyperactivity, a decrease in normal activity, and unusual irritability, or moodiness. A normally tame parrot may not want to be handled or become aggressive.
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