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Yellow-naped Amazon (Amazona auropalliata)


Yellow-naped Amazon (Amazona auropalliata)

Personality Profile by Sally Blanchard

I started out with Double Yellow-headed Amazons, because I knew a couple, Bill and Wilma Fisher, who were gathering these parrots to breed them way back in 1976.  I helped them find several parrots from people who had purchased wild-caught birds and had no idea what to do with them.  One day I got a call from a woman who said she had a big green parrot that had belonged to her son and she needed to "get rid of it."  I went over to her home and saw the first Yellow-naped I had ever seen.

This Yellow-naped was huge and was as wild as any parrot I have ever met, but I didn’t know a lot about handling parrots at the time.  Somehow or other I managed to get him in a cardboard box. I headed straight for my friend’s house and asked them if they were interested in the Amazon.  I was hoping they were, because I really didn’t know what I would do with the parrot if I had to keep him.  I was amazed when Wilma opened the box and the yellow-nape stepped right onto her hand.  They took him and eventually found him a girlfriend.

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