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Parrots magazine, Issue 4


The Tucaman Amazon, Hand-rearing African Greys Part II, Macaws as Pets

Issue 4 - July 1995

The Tucuman Amazon, John Stoodley’s Amazona tucumana parrots – believed to be the first imported into the UK. Hand-rearing, weaning African Greys Part II, Barbara Ball explains the transition period when a young parrot chick becomes able to feed itself. Spix’s Macaw - In the last decade this small blue Macaw has become a symbol of the international conservationist movement. After years of planning and expenditure – principally by the Loro Parque Foundation , the long awaited release of a female Spix’s Macaw into the wild took place on 17th March 1995. News of this release has caused great excitement at the Loro Parque Foundation, principle funders of the Spix’s Macaw Recovery project. Macaws as Pets. Gail Worth provides a fascinating insight into keeping Macaws as pets from Hahn’s to Hyacinths. Galahs at Blackpool Zoo, Stephen Standley and Michael Lee explain how Blackpool Zoo have successfully established a breeding colony of Roseat Cockatoos. Rosellas, John Read gives an insight into this attractive group of Australian Parakeets. Loro Parque’s success with the Cardinal Lory gives rise for optimism in aviculture, Roger Sweeney Curator of Birds reports. Lovebirds, Juliet Eberle explains the absolute joy of hand-rearing Pastel-blue Peach-faced Lovebirds for companions. Preventing health problems by Siuna Whitehead MRCVS. Problems with Imported Birds – Let the Buyer Beware, a cautionary tale by Susie Hiscock. Cage sizes and the law – David Neville Administrator of the NCA Theft Register, reports. Does your parrot bite –Liz Wilson explains why parrots do it and how you can stop it. Toys – Parrots are highly intelligent creatures yet many spend their long lives in a barren environment. Julie Hamilton shows how easy it can be to brighten up our parrots’ lives.

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