Parrots magazine, Issue 129

Issue 129 4a1c0be97c800

Blue-throated Macaw - how vital conservation efforts are helping this rare parrot

Issue 129 - October 2008

The Complete Psittacine by EB Cravens Typical Foodstuffs Our Parrots Love to Eat  Should I get a second bird? – If you already have one parrot, you may well consider getting another one, for a wide range of reasons.€“ In this article Greg Glendell discusses the issues involved and how best to go about introducing a second bird. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Hannah Joyce BSc Hons, provides some insight into Cognitive behaviour therapy and how it can be instrumental in dealing with behavioural problems in parrots. The Holistic Parrot€“ Cleaning Naturally and Preventing Indoor Air Pollution by Leslie Moran.  Fred & Mabel a story about 2 nomadic lovebirds. Coping with an Emergency Rescue €“ Tim Lacy provides an insight into the stress and pressure when rescuing large numbers of birds that are in peril.  More Greys Released – Felix Lankester  from the Limbe Wildlife Centre and Fidelis Manga update us on the latest efforts to release hundreds of previously trapped Greys and how notorious criminals have been captured. Just In Case Some tips on how to avoid the trauma of losing a bird.  A flying Senegal Parrot is poetry in motion! By Cyril Laubscher€“ In the African parrot popularity stakes, the Senegal Parrot  (Poicephalus senegalus) is second only to the African Grey, according to breeders and pet owners alike when extolling the virtues of this magnificent little parrot. Blue-throated Macaw - how vital conservation efforts are helping this rare parrot. Spot the Difference - Clearing up the confusion between two blue and yellow Macaws.

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