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Parrots magazine, Issue 28


Multi-pet Households, Breeding Pyrrhura Conures - part 3

Issue 28 - July 1999

Psitta-Sense, Living in a Multi-Pet Household with Parrots with Tracy Gwillim. Breeding Pyrrhuras, in the third and final part of her series on Pyrrhuras Conures, Amanda Gregory advises on how to maximise the chances of breeding success. Robinson Learning to Fly Free, the story of Derek Wheway'€™s Green-winged Macaw. The Complete Psittacine , The Importance of Darkness & Light by EB Cravens. The Twenty-Eight or Yellow-Naped Parakeet, Jim Hayward writes on this powerful and aggressive native of South-West Australia. Why Pelleting Is Well Worth The Effort, Some personal thoughts on complete diets by pet parrot keeper Katrin Frahm. A Trip To The Rainforest by Pam Fryer, I have been keeping parrots for many years and it has always been my dream to see these beautiful creatures in the wild. I would like to share with you the experience of our journey, the high and lows. Coco, Elizabeth Wright tells the story of the Indian Ringneck that’s into everything! Return to Oz by Derek Cotgrave, Parrot readers may recall the article that appeared in issue 17 of this magazine in which I described a bird safari that took my wife and I through the Blue Mountains from Sydney to the Australian Outback. Our second safari was again organised by the well known Australian bird expert, Ray Ackroyd. Our first tour with Ray was mainly for parrots (although we saw many other birds). This time we hoped to see some of the finches that one so often sees in members'€™ aviaries in this country. In this we were not disappointed and in all we managed to film 12 species of finch plus many other birds as well. However, for this article I will tell you about the parrots we met with on our journey.

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