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Parrots magazine, Issue 39

Issue 39 4a03229e9d756

Caring for an elderly parrot, Special needs of parrots kept as pets, Compatibility of Rosellas

Issue 39 - April 2001

Psitta-Sense with Tracy Gwillim MIACE – Caring for an elderly parrot, watch out for signs of aging. Environmental Enrichment for Pet Parrots – Vet Mark Evans begins a new series considering the special needs of parrots kept as pets. Rosellas Together, continuing his series on keeping Rosellas, Jim Hayward looks at courtship behaviour and which species are compatible. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens, Food for Thought, always go for the best you can afford for health’s sake. Save The Buffons – There are only 35 breeding pairs of Buffon’s Macaws left in Costa Rica, Rosemary Low highlights an urgent appeal on behalf of the Buffon’s or Great Green Macaw. Back From The Brink – Rosemary Low tells how the Yellow-shouldered Amazon has been saved from extinction in the wild and is now flourishing on islands off Venezuela. Incubation Essentials – Thinking of incubating parrot eggs? Rob Harvey gives some basic pointers to get you started. Be Prepared for Shredding! – Many parrots love to demolish anything they can chew. Amanda Gregory addresses this problem and gives some useful tips to lessen the destruction. Cape Crusade – William Horsfield reports on a Cape Parrot Workshop held at Natal University, South Africa in December. Capturing Kaka – In the final part of a short series on New Zealand’s native parrots, Glen Holland describes an expedition to capture wild kaka.

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