Letters: Bird rescue in Belize
Dear Parrots magazine,
Bird rescue in Belize
I just wanted to write and say how much I enjoyed Nikki Buxton’s article on running a bird rescue in Belize.
Dear Parrots magazine,
I just wanted to write and say how much I enjoyed Nikki Buxton’s article on running a bird rescue in Belize.
Dear Parrots magazine,
Six friends and myself are all looking forward to coming to Parrots magazine’s THINK PARROTS show on Sunday 22 June. Two of us flew in from Switzerland last year and really enjoyed the talks and meeting many of the parrot experts, including EB Cravens, Rosemary Low and David Woolcock.
Dear Parrots magazine,
I was gutted when my African Grey flew out of the back door last week, during one of my children’s birthday parties. It was an awful time for this to happen as I was in charge of 10 young children at the time! But I had read Kirsten Badham’s article in the April 2014 (issue 195) on tips to get back an escapee parrot and this helped enormously!
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