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Letters: Wild caught in markets

Dear Parrots magazine,

Wild caught in markets

I refer to the “Parrots of Peru” article by Robert Alison (April 2010 edition), and agree with his central thesis that ecotourism has an increasing importance for parrot conservation in that country. I also agree with his mention of the potential for responsible aviculture in Peru. Mainly I wish to refer to the situation of wild-caught parrots being available in local markets. It might be true, although I have not seen comparative figures that support a decline of parrots in these markets, but there is still a long way to go before this no longer happens.

Letters: Stop the criticisms

Dear Parrots magazine,

Stop the criticisms

I have been reading with interest the various comments about National Parrot Sanctuary and Zoo and cannot understand why anyone would object to the findings of Greg Glendell? So what if he hasn’t got qualifications, as if experience and knowledge count for nothing! He knows what he is talking about.

Letters: Parent-rearing

Dear Parrots magazine,


I refer to “Hand-rearing is not the answer” in the May 2010 issue of this magazine. When hand-rearing came into fashion some years ago I, like many others, thought this maybe the answer to stop the awful trade in parrots that have been ripped from the rainforest and travelled half away across the world in, often, appalling conditions. Well, of course, it has made a difference as buyers now choose the cuddly tame babies that have been captive bred, hand-reared and sold in pet stores. But having read many articles on parent-rearing, I am now of a different opinion.

Letters: In Response

Dear Parrots magazine,

In Response

I am writing in response to the letters published in “Parrots Letters Page” (May 2010)from Winston White and Rosemary Low commenting on the article I wrote “Amazons of the Caribbean Islands”. Firstly I would like to say the article was intended to highlight Amazons that are rarely mentioned and to give readers, who are not as fortunate as myself, a hint and feel of the Islands I mentioned.

Letters: Avian probiotics

Dear Parrots magazine,

Avian probiotics

I enjoyed reading Leslie Moran’s ‘Holistic Parrot’ article in last month’s Parrots (July 150) as we have used avian probiotics for more than 15 years in our aviaries. However, one statement near the end disturbed me, and I quote, “Avi-Culture is the only non GMO avian specific probiotic on the market.”

Letters: Toy warning

Dear Parrots magazine,

Toy warning

Hi, I just wanted to let other parrot owners know of a toy called “Bell Carousel”, retailing for £3.49, and to bring to the attention of all parrot owners the possible dangers of small bells on parrot toys, be cautious, we didn’t think anything bad would happen but it did.

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