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Letters: The correct diet?

Dear Parrots magazine,

The correct diet?

There have been several letters in recent issues of this magazine regarding nutrition and what to feed our birds. But like previous writers, I'm afraid that I am not a fan of pellets as I think they are boring for the birds. I have tried different makes but cannot get my parrots to eat them very well. I thought, to start with, that they would be a good thing but after trying different kinds, I can’t get along with them.

Letters: More Wild stuff please

Dear Parrots magazine,

More Wild stuff please

I have every issue of Parrots magazine and have found them to be very helpful in dealing with the various issues we come across when keeping parrots.

Letters: No more clipping

Dear Parrots magazine,

No more clipping

I bought my African Grey about eighteen months ago as a baby and noticed it had its wings clipped. I was new to parrots and accepted this was a normal procedure when buying a young bird.


Letters: Understanding your parrot

Dear Parrots magazine,

Understanding your parrot

Isn’t it just fantastic when your parrot utters some words you understand and how good they are at talking, or should I say ‘mimicking’. Now that should stir up some interest for Parrots readers. Do parrots ‘talk’ or do they ‘mimic’?


Letters: Flying Free

Dear Parrots magazine,

Flying Free

We seem to be reading a lot about free flying these days, in not just this magazine, but other publications too. I have always wanted to see my Green-winged Macaw fly freely but just have not got the courage to try it.


Letters: Part of the family

Dear Parrots magazine,

Part of the family

We have had our Orange-winged Amazon for just less than two years now and are over the moon with him - we have had him DNA sexed. When my children heard about us getting a parrot, they were very excited and couldn’t wait to see it. But it would seem that some of their school friends have said they can bite and be very noisy, which put them off. This made us think carefully but after long talks, it was agreed that we go ahead.


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