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Letters: No more clipping

Dear Parrots magazine,

No more clipping

Reading many articles about wing-clipping, it would seem that opinion is weighted in favour of keeping birds fully flighted. Well, I have to say that I am against clipping a parrot’s wings.

Letters: Happy Family

Dear Parrots magazine,

Happy Family

About two and a half years ago I bought a hand-reared cockatiel and called him, Billy, after the TV series, Hale & Pace - they did a sketch with characters called, Billy and Johnny that I found hilarious. I bought him a cage and some toys to play with. He seemed to get on well with his new home and soon became one of the family, that is my daughter, Sally and myself. Billy and Sally got on really well and became firm ‘mates’.


Letters: Zinc toxicity

Dear Parrots magazine,

Zinc toxicity

I notice on the Parrots website Forum, that there is a post about zinc poisoning. I have seen much published about zinc toxicity over the years and am totally confused as to what is the best practice to avoid harm to my birds.

Letters: Perches

Dear Parrots magazine,


I was thrilled to read Eb Craven’s column in the April issue about perching. Eb has a great knack of identifying the ‘natural’ elements that can affect our birds.

Letters: Nail clipping

Dear Parrots magazine,

Nail clipping

It should not be surprising that birds in cages, or free in a house, will not normally have an opportunity to keep their claws down. My African Grey doesn't get much of a chance to walk or hold onto an abrasive surface, so her claws had grown quite long.

Letters: Inseperable

Dear Parrots magazine,


My family had never thought of having a bird in the house, that was until we saw this magazine in the pet superstore, 'Pets at Home' - the issue we saw had a cockatiel on the front. My daughter, who has just turned 12, originally went to see the small furries but was taken by the magazine cover.

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