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Parrots magazine, Issue 40

Issue 40 4a032314c5473

Dangerous diet, Best diet for Rosellas, The curse of PDD, Finsch's Conure

Issue 40 - May 2001

Psitta-Sense with Tracy Gwillim MIACE – back to Basics, in the first of a two part series, Tracy tackles some common myths about parrots, and offers her own answers to frequently asked questions. Dangerous Diet – a true story by Pat Hartley-Walker. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – Parrot in a Basket, In the first of a two part article on raising baby psittacines in baskets, EB Cravens looks at the hand-feeding phase. Feeding Rosellas – continuing his series on keeping Rosellas, Jim Hayward looks at diet, seed and grain. The Curse of PDD – Vet Neil Forbes warns of a deadly disease that can kill your parrot. Environmental Enrichment for Pet Parrots - Vet Mark Evans continues with his series on the special needs of parrots kept as pets, and focuses specifically on the best methods of keeping your pet comfortable within the home. Favourite Finsch’s - In the first of a two-part article on the Finsch’s Conure, Ray Dorge introduces this emerald jewel, and champion breeder June Diciocco. Parrot Watching in Brazil – Sue Embury reports on an eco-tourist trip to see conservation projects first hand in South America. Spring Fever – This time of year can cause unusual behaviour in your parrot. Carol Stevens gives some hints on what to look out for and how to tackle it.

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